Sunday of the Holy Cross
and Annunciation

This week, our Sunday School class covers two important topics. Today we celebrate the Sunday of the Holy Cross, and on Wednesday we will celebrate the Annunciation of the Theotokos! We're covering both of these today, but if this begins to feel like too much for your family, just do the Sunday of the Holy Cross lesson today, and wait until Wednesday for the lesson on the Annunciation. This will still be here, waiting for you.

Sunday of the Holy Cross

Activities for the whole family:

How many crosses??? Do a cross inventory at your house. Before you do, have each person in the house guess how many crosses there are. Then go together, room by room, and count them. You may wish to venerate each as you do so! Between rooms, you could sing, “Before They Cross, we bow down in worship, O Master…”

Make a cross-shaped banana bread: Bake two small loaves of banana bread. Cut one in thirds lengthwise, and put the outer two pieces on either side of the other (whole) loaf, to form a cross. Dust with powdered sugar, and enjoy eating it together! Here’s a yummy banana bread recipe that will make 2 small loaves:

Lenten Banana Bread
Mix together well: 3 mashed bananas, 1 C sugar, ½ C oil, 1 tsp. baking soda, ⅙ C orange juice, dash of salt, 2 C flour. (Optional: ½ C chopped nuts and/or ½ C semisweet chocolate chips) Pour into one 9”x5”x3” pan (or two smaller ones, if you’re making a cross). Bake 1 hour at 350°.

The Annunciation of the Holy Theotokos

Activities for the whole family:

Surprise! It’s a Boy!!! Act out the Annunciation story together as a family, using simple costumes and homemade props -- or using puppets you make out of popsicle sticks or whatever you have on hand at home. Record it so that you will always remember how each of you looked and sounded on this feast of the Annunciation!

Help a needy mom and her baby/children. In honor of the Annunciation, recognizing that the Theotokos chose to bear her Son despite her circumstances, find a way to help an underprivileged or abused mom in your area. If you do not know someone personally, check with your local pregnancy or abuse center to see what would be helpful. Make cards, or a donation of diapers, formula or money. Most importantly, pray for the women and their child(ren). Your sacrifice will help to make their situation a little easier.