Journey Through the Parables with us!
The lessons open with an Introduction,
which we invite you to read before you get started.
There, you’ll find information on the
Journey Through the Parables: Expedition Log Book.
Every lesson will include a special page for this book,
so that by the end of the year,
your kids will have a whole book of Parables to keep.
This lesson series is designed for use in the home or in the parish — it will work as a year of free Sunday School curriculum,
or as an adventure you can take with your family!
Each lesson includes:
a short read-aloud lesson
a podcast recording of Elissa & Kristina teaching the lesson
(for those families who like to learn in the car!)discussion questions
printable worksheets and puzzles

Find Parable Lessons Here.
This link will take you to a Google Drive which contains a folder for each lesson (and each folder contains several PDF files). Right click on any file and choose “download” to obtain your copy.