St. Photini,
the Samaritan Woman

Christ is risen! This week is the Sunday of the Samaritan Woman so we will look at Jesus' encounter with the woman at the well, and how she became St. Photini, Equal-to-the-Apostles!

St. Photini, the Samaritan Woman

Activities for the Whole Family:

Race to the well on a Samaritan Woman obstacle course!

  •  The course should begin in the “streets of Shechem”, with pillows on the floor (if you’re inside) or small boxes on the ground (if you’re outside) as the “buildings” along the streets. Beyond “Shechem”, place items in a scattered, winding path for the runners to follow. Be creative: they may have to circle a time or two around the “wild donkey” on the path; crawl over the “tree that has just fallen from last night’s storm” or under “the farmer’s grapevine”: you get the idea...

  • The goal is to reach “the well” (which could be a pile of pillows or blocks - and building it could be part of the course if you like).

  • Players must carry a pitcher (or empty plastic milk jug or water bottle) so they can “get water at the well” as they walk/run the course.

  • After “filling their jug” at the well, they run back over the course again to “tell the people of Shechem about Jesus.”

  • Time the runners to see who is fastest. Or fill the “pitcher” with water and measure who still has the most left at the end of their run!

Build Jacob's Well! Can you create your own well? You could use small rocks held together with playdough, or blocks or legos... or you could craft a paper well!