Thomas Sunday

Christ is risen! On this first Sunday after Pascha, we consider the importance of Christ's "opening of the Scriptures" and the significance of the Apostle Thomas' desire to see and touch Christ's wounds.

Thomas Sunday

Activities for the Whole Family:

Art Project: What it would be like if Jesus just appeared?

  • Prepare in advance: print out a line art image of Christ, tape it to a window, and tape a blank sheet of paper over it. Use a white crayon to trace Christ’s image onto the blank sheet of paper. Repeat until you have one white-crayon ‘Christ” on a page for each child. If you like, you could also write messages like “Christ is in our midst” or “Jesus is with us”. (If you do not have a white crayon, a white candle might work, or white glue could work, but you couldn't use the window...)

  • When it's lesson time, talk with the kids about how the disciples must have felt when Jesus just appeared, and then give each child one of the sheets you've prepared and a paintbrush. Invite them to paint on the sheet with watercolors. Watch for their reactions as Christ appears unexpectedly on the page!

Celebrate how Jesus invited Thomas to stick his finger into his side by baking delicious fingerprint cookies! Be sure to use lots of butter since we're still feasting...

Act out the story of the disciples being in the room, afraid of the Jews, when Jesus appeared to them and Thomas gets to touch His wounds. You’ll find the story in the Scriptures at John 20: 19-31.